Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sewing Projects

There are so many ideas swimming around in this mind, and many of them are sewing projects.
Everything from utilizing multiple thin tool rolls to modular sleeves for my panniers and luggage.
One idea is to find a way is to effectively use and confidently mount two small tool-tubes instead one behemoth. The benefit is clearance for the wheel and less exposure to the terrain.
In order for this to happen, tools and items must be carefully distributed.

I have been working on the tool-roll component and this is what I have come up with so far:

The last pic in the slideshow above will be for the second tube: It will just hold the large wrenches and long tire iron. Intended for longer expeditions, I could leave part of this home on day rides.

The next bit of pics are of what I am calling The KLR Rambo-could-do-it Sleeve.
It is flat and stiff and is intended to stay in the tank panniers all the time. Basically it's a tool sleeve whose contents will allow me to improvise as much as possible, all managed in a way that keeps bulk to a minimum, thoughtfully weight distributed and easily inventoried.
Heres what you got:
1. Duct Tape
2. Two different guages of bailing wire.
3. JB Qwik Weld
4. Super Glue
5. 550 cord
6. Gerber light trail saw
7. EMT shears (sometimes a blade will not do the trick
8. sandpaper, sewing stuff and maybe some rambo fishing hooks, safety pins.
9. Zip ties, small and gianormous

Click the photo box above to view the slideshow.
From Modular sleeves

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